I'm with 'leaving quietly', same position, but it WILL happen. Be the best husband data-dog show a quiet and mild spirit that she may be won without a word.... Damn my indoctrinated brain, sorry...
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
I skipped the meeting again!! Wife gives me a look I have never seen...
by DATA-DOG ini had a rough day of physical work and was tired and cold.
i decided to stay home and rest.
when my wife found out, a very strange look swept over her face for just an instant.
How did you tell your spouse you want out of the JW religion?
by leaving_quietly inwhat did you imagine would happen?
did they react the way you expected?
how did you bring it up?.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Apognophos - thanks for writing what you wrote, it really hit me hard. I'm there, I feel weak and stupid and cowardly at times, but it's geezers like you, and snare, that help me a LOT, and I'm sure I speak for countless others that read these posts too, perhaps even lurkers. Bu2b, you're not alone dude, we're here with you. Albeit parousaically.
Letter From WTBTS Evidence of Mind Control Tactics
by Corvin inthe following is taken from ray franz's book, crisis of conscience, pages 341-344. this letter, sent out to all traveling representatives, circuit overseers, by the service department of the international headquarters, shows the society's demand for comformity no matter the cost to the rank and file.
jw lurkers: please read carefully.
the portion of the letter in blue is of particular interest, and franz's comments nails the governing body's intent.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
disposable hero of hypocrisy
That's a great quote sd-7, nicely done. Does anyone know if this has ever been updated or rescinded? I quoted it a while back, thinking it was an elders letter, not remembering that it was a CO letter, so obviously I nor any of my brothers would officially know about the policy. They denied it was a policy (how would they know) so I just wondered if it has ever been updated?
Response To ENTIRE "Bible Teach" Book!
by Watchtower-Free infrom the snarky apologist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nntsobk6jee .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Markedy mark marked.
by The Searcher inweird!.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Just marking this thread to remind me of it later.. Interesting comparison between avoiding a direct command to save a life (memorial) and obeying a direct command whether or not lives are lost.. (blood). What was it Jesus said, I want mercy not sacrifice? Or something..
Are you slowly turning into your Father.
by jam innew research from the uk, men start at age 39.. a few signs to look for..... 1) fall asleep in the front room.. 2)they have "a chair".
3)makes awful jokes that only they find funny.. 4)don't know any artists in the top 40.
5)spending longer on the toilet.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Check, check and check! That's fine though, I rather liked him.
Defending JW Child Abuse Policy at blogspot
by Iown Mylife inthis website has been mentioned on previous topics but i just happened onto this current article "elijah" has posted.
you have to scroll down to get to thursday's article (yesterday), titled jehovah's witnesses child abuse policy.
it's at defending jehovahs witnesses dot blogspot dot com and there's no where to comment that i could find.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Just pastin', not agreein'!
Defending JW Child Abuse Policy at blogspot
by Iown Mylife inthis website has been mentioned on previous topics but i just happened onto this current article "elijah" has posted.
you have to scroll down to get to thursday's article (yesterday), titled jehovah's witnesses child abuse policy.
it's at defending jehovahs witnesses dot blogspot dot com and there's no where to comment that i could find.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Jehovah’s Witnesses' Child Abuse Policy When you compare Jehovah’s Witnesses with all other religions or secular organizations, Witnesses have the best record for protecting its members from child molesters, fornicators and other perverts. Most other religions did nothing about priests and ministers who were child molesters and homosexual deviants, and continued to simply transfer these clergy to other congregations when found out. But, Jehovah's Witnesses would instantly remove these individuals from serving in any teaching capacity when they were found out and disfellowship them. What is reprehensible is that other religions constantly criticized the Witnesses for their disfellowshipping policy. Now, these religions, Protestant and Catholic, are facing thousands of legal cases and paying enormous settlements. At the same time, any legal charges against the Watchtower Society has repeatedly been dismissed by the courts because they determined that Witnesses have NEVER hidden child molesters nor have they ever just transferred Elders accused of molestation to another congregation. So historically Witnesses have the BEST legal record of any religion. Even the recent adverse decision by one rogue jury in the Conti case was not because we transferred a known child molester–the man had already been reproved and removed from any position in the congregation. And the jury went completely contrary to the legal precedents set in similar cases against other religions. That is, no religion has ever been legally required to make a public announcement of a congregant’s specific sexual misdeeds. In fact, doing so would have broken the law in most countries. While thousands of Protestant clergy and thousands of Catholic priests were charged with child abuse in the last decades, only a little over a dozen Witness Elders have been charged in the last 100 years (See: Jehovah’s Witnesses care for victims of child abuse - Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Web Site - Archive) In official polls between 25% and 40% of clergy admitted that they had engaged in sexual behavior with some member of their flock and about 15% of clergy are homosexual. And most religions do almost nothing about these clergy! So, a more valid question would be to ask if other religions have continued to allow fornicators, homosexuals and adulterers to be ministers, priests and teachers?!! But, among the Witnesses the very few elders who commit immoral acts are instantly removed and most likely disfellowshipped. The media and opposers like to sensationalize a couple of cases where someone was not removed immediately, but those cases are anomalies and occurred only because the organization’s policies were improperly ignored by individual elders. Also many like to misrepresent the “two witness” rule. This rule has NEVER prevented removal of a child molester. It never took more than one witness for someone to be reported to the authorities for molestation and even before the current government laws on reporting molestations were passed, Witnesses still investigated all accusations and disfellowshipped many without requiring two witnesses. And definitely, when someone was accused of molesting *different* children then there are two witnesses and they would be disfellowshipped. In actuality, I've seen the courts several times dismiss charges against child molesters who have been disfellowshipped by Witnesses. To see the actual facts regarding this subject go to: http://thirdwitness.com/childabuse/default.html http://defendingjehovahswitnesses.blogspot.com/2009/11/jehovahs-witnesses-and-child-protection.html SOURCE: This is an answer by BAR_ANERGES to a question at Yahoo Answers.
I went to one of my previous halls remodel today and they did not recognize me...
by confusedandalone ini definitely look like a worldly person by jw standards... however i went to my old hall because they are remodelling and they are in the final p[hase.
it was not on purpose.
i had bnusiness on the street and happened to drive past.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow . Poignant , sad, informative , and downright hilarious at the same time !
Glad it doesnt hurt so much dude, well done ..
Is it true that elders lurk the forums?
by make yourself init seems like it is one huge contradiction.
but are they doing it for the purpose to try to guess exactly who in the congregation is on ex jw sites?
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Not publicly !